The many chapters of 4eVeRRiVeR
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Went to watch Hostel on friday with kl, pq and gk. And its like my first movie since 1/2 yr liaoz.. Can't remember wat was e last show I've caught.. Hmm.. Tokyo Nua? Any way Hostel is R21 for those who dun nue. The show is divided into 2 halves, with e first half being basically porn (3 horny guys gg for euro backpacking tour) which transits sharply into e 2nd, which is basically all e gore akin to tat of SAW/ SAW II. Plot ain't as nice as SAW but its an ok show to watch.

Its a Composite Resin frog measuring 4mm x 4mm x 2mm. Taking remnants of e excess CR or the tooth coloured material in your mouth, I fix it up and light cure e whole thing. And look at e quality of e picture heh.. A single shade for a miniature figurine yet e frog is so clear in e picture.. Nice canon!

Thursday, April 27, 2006
We have had a pretty interesting OMS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) seminar last monday where we played ard with each other's veins to either draw blood or transfuse drugs, which in this case is saline aka salt solution. And while TT's veins are obscure, mine were screaming to be punctured. And so TT took a vial of abt 2mm of my blood.
And so its pretty obvious dentistry ain't for e faint hearted. For this course, I haff sacrificed lots of $, time, sweat, 4 premolars, 2 wisdom teeth and pure sacred holy blood. And right now I'm still being tortured by wires and rubberbands in my mouth. And not forgetting e melanoma on my right cheek tatz probably caused by all tat stress.
So cheers to all e potential dental students who are now keeping us outta our labs while they are taking their manual dexterity tests. e test in abt 1/1/2 hrs althou we have a grand total of 3 hr. And so I was pretty surprised when I saw all these pple stay for e full 3 hr! Its ain't my business Remind me of e days I was playing with exact same 3 items- bending of e wire, cutting of e cylinder of cut chalk and moulding of e plasticine molar, which in my opinion was pretty fun. If I remembered correctly, Me and most of e rest of of my test mates finished within 1/1/2 hr althou we have had 3 hr. So I was pretty surprised when I saw all of them stayed for e full 3 hrs! I would be damned if I commend on their works so I shan't. But then there are some pple who wait till their fellow test mates had left e lab first where en they change their finished products with nicer looking ones from their fellow test mates. Oh hiaks.. these are e pple who can explain y my rubber bowl and spatula and my LAB COAT are still missing now.. Haha..
On e other hand, these pple sure deserve to lose some $, time, sweat, premolars, wisdom teeth or dirty, smelly, rotten blood.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Its been quite a week of e new term and frankly speaking, none of us, or at least those whom I've toked to, aren't particularly excited abt it. Me included. Hectic week it has been and you dun even haff time for lab work! Wat e hell.. Guess it will take time to getting use to becoming a yr 4 dental student next term. And I find myself looking forward to e big long sperm or da chang jing every day after school where I can put my mind away from school. Damn.. After 1 week I feel I need another sydney or redang holiday..