The many chapters of 4eVeRRiVeR
Monday, October 17, 2005
And to make things even more delightful, Bioware is coming up with Dragon Age!
Check this game out-
Its going to be e best role playing game of all times yeah!
Always love Bioware's games ah.. Baldur's Gate I and II which I played 3-4 years ago remained my favourite game in my whole gaming life ah.. So many diff races ( not chinese or malay but human/ elf / dwarf / dwarfling ( aka hobbit) ), classes ( fighter / paladin / barbarian / kensai / mage / witch / wirzard / thief ), spells, skills- all for you to choose from! There are tons of quests and whether you choose to be a good hero or evil doer, e choice is urs. There are like wks of solid gameplay and you would just wish e game would never end..
The best game ever man..
So so looking forward to dragon age man..
Juz when u tot how things can get possibly worse on the first day of e week, it turned out to be rather beautiful indeed.. As a matter of fact, I was damn lethargic in e morning, almost sleep walking myself all e way to school.. But sometimes its e little acts of pple ard u tat never fail to cheer u up.. And dear old chinaman shenhua delighted me with his original DVD of se diao ying xiong zhuang ( or translated to "shoot birdie (of) english male story" ) starring zhuo xun and lee ya niao. And u nue how I always love Jing Yong's works of literature.
E 2nd event of e day was e meeting up with an old friend for lunch, whom I've not seen or contact for over 2 years liaoz.. Hiaks.. I guess I must be really aging for my friends are getting old.. Heh..
And finally e best event tat brought smiles from ear to ear- wat else could be it other than passing e bridge competency test the first time round? Kaoz.. Damn happy xia.. So happy tat none of sad things abt dentistry like still being in lab at 6.40pm or e idea of doing FYP later after dinner actually mattered..
I'm a genius!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
And so I got e consolidated pictures from Dennis today, all in all over a thousand picts, and can't help but post these nice grp pictures here.. God bless e camera pple..

Day 12 afternoon- All of us at Bondi beach..E water is freezing like hell and only daredevils me and Dennis plunged ourselves into e water..

Saturday, October 08, 2005
And finally here are e pictures! Its impossible to put everything in and so I had to choose a few of e better ones here. Many thanks to Dennis coz alot of e pictures u r seeing now are his as my camera was spoilt on day 7, which is their day 2. Pretty xianz since all e fun and action started after they came over and we can visit the more exotic places. Kudos to Peijun and Fengyi as well as some of their pictures are also displayed here.
Given a choice, I would still prefer to visit Sydney over USA or UK or Canada coz e itinery is by far e most exciting, most scenic and most adventuristic- e kind of place for pple like me. =)

Day 1- Checked into our beloved backpacker room which has 2 double decker beds- I'm sleeping on top of e this one which even has a window view heh! Backpacker rulez!

Day 3- We decided to give ourselves 1/2 day off and visit the city! This is our Sydney Dental Hospital which is so narrow ( as you can see ) and is supposedly shaped like an incisor!

Day 4- School at Westmead hospital which is at Paramatta, and have been diligient students e whole day.