The many chapters of 4eVeRRiVeR
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I believe I'm a pretty sentimental person.. I love my bike, and no wonder how old or ugly it will become, I'll definitely feel a pinch if I let it go one day.. And not forgetting the times when e hairdresser cut off my long, luxuriant and lustrous hair.. Damn.. I still feel a pinch now tat I think of it heh.. And now lets pay a tribute to my wonderful...
All in all, I've extracted my 6 permanent teeth thus far, 5 of which were pristine, healthy teeth which I'm saddened and reluctant tat they have to go, coz being permanent teeth means that once gone, they are gone 4ever.. But the premolars- 14, 24, 35 and 45 have to go, because of orthodontics or bracers. And my right upper wisdom tooth- 18 has to go, because its opposing tooth 48 is mesially-impacted, carious and removal of 48 would an indication for extraction of 18, least it super-erupted and cause other problems. And my 48 was finally removed in a LA op last thursday.
Now if you still dun't nue me yet, I juz love to boast.. Its pretty amazing at how much I've spent on my extractions. Now my extraction of my 4 premolars were done by my grand councillor and his friends, who were yr 4 students en on 22nd July' 04, ( see how sentimental I was? haha..) and I was charged with e students' rate of $5 per tooth..
And last week was our oral surgery week and Tien Tien- my dear 'o lab partner extracted my upper wisdom tooth- #18 last wednesday afternoon, 17th August, 2.30pm. Susposed to be charged $5 again but Helen was kind enuough to close more than 1 eye..
And come thursday, there wasn't any impending LA operation cases again & so I volunteered my carious impacted lower wisdom tooth- #48. This was e best deal thus far man, and I really didn't expect the outcome..
It was 18th August, 2.10pm.
And I asked Dr Aidan Yeo in jest, " so got discount?" Coz even a LA operation demo case would cost $115 for each tooth.
Dr Aidan Yeo, "oh, how abt FOC?"
And my eyes lit up in glee while Tien Tien proceeded to inform nurse Helen of e impending no-charges.
But unfortunately my 48 need to be sectioned into smaller pieces instead of being extracted in whole, so that a much smaller cavity can be made in the remus of my mandible. And so out came my 48, in 3 smaller pieces, which cannot be pieced together as much tooth structure is already lost in the burring through with a large no. 8 round bur.
And like each of my precious tooth, they were dipped into foramlin and fixed for a couple of days before they are rinsed and dried carefully.
And its time to say cheese!!

From the top left clockwise: 14, 24, 35 and 45. Extracted by Jingli, Angela and Edwin on 22nd July' 04. $5 for each tooth.

Once upon a time when I was year 2 and Ying han was year 3, there was a particular time when we were on bus 963 on our way home.
And I asked, " so how is clinics?"
And he said, " wa.. damn shag man.. Everyday u come to school at 8am and stay in lab till 7pm. By the time you reached home it'll be 8pm plus liaoz and en after dinner you r really damn shag and can't do anything else."
And I thought, " haiz.. the seniors are bull-shitting/ hog-washing again."
Coz my experience with e seniors is that they like to scare you with how tough the dental course is.. Perhaps its juz a few of em and thou I-would-like-but-I-can't name em here in case I become the next Siew Hor.. ( Oops.. I forgot some yr 2s are reading this as well but at least I'm a little tat senior.. heh..) Tatz e hierarchy system of dentistry if you haffn't witness yet..
Anywae I remembered some seniors saying, " wa, yr 1 is your honeymoon year.. You better enjoyed it or else you'll regret it" or " the holidays will just get shorter and shorter with every term" or " No.. I dun haff CCA and I dun giff tuition coz I really dun haff time" or " its really diff from JC and you must be consistent with ur work if you want to pass your professional exams"..
And I found, thou yr 1 is my honey moon year, so is yr 2! We actually got plenty of time to play ard, fool ard or dotaing ard.. And dun we ever always complain that e holidays are short and inadequate? And is it really the time or the lack of interest to take up CCA? Or maybe its just a good excuse for not doing anything you dun fell like doing? And I'm a slacker in JC and I think I'm still am for yr 1 and yr 2, only mugging when its necessary, i.e. for tests and exams and heh heh! Its a MIRACLE I managed to pass both yr 1 n yr 2 exams..
But wat Ying han had said, it was absolutely true.. My goodness.. yr 3 clinical years is no joke.. And when a slacker like me say its hell of a busy, its really hell of a busy.. E 8 till 7 time schedule is not at all exaggerated, and I admire those who call it quits at 5.30pm. And I found myself being forced to be consistent now, as reading up becoming an integral part of my shag lifestyle with preparations for the new cases, tests, competency tests, OS week, etc.. But its not just me who is feeling the heat.. And this is most clearly represented by the amt of time e brotherhood get together nowadays. The once everybody-everyday-spent-e-whole-evening-playing game last year was now reduced to maybe-if-lucky-an-hour-a-day on wkdays, but en in compensation we'll play till 2-3am on friday nite to ascertain our brotherhood.. And so I find myself looking forward to the wkends to rest and relax, but when it arrived, I'll always be doing something to entertain myself in fury, only to further shag me out..
Its hell of a busy, like I said..
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
R singaporeans getting less patriotic? I remembered in my younger days, my neighbourhood HDB flats r wrapped abt in red and white Singapore flags.. But just now as I took a look outta my window, I observed how few flags were being hung by our neighbours, say on avg~ 2 flags for entire 18-storeys HDB block? Perhaps Singaporeans r getting smarter- you r not gg to get arrested for not hanging up e flags, and y go thru all e trouble of digging up e flag from e storeroom and en still haff to wash e flag in e end? And hanging a dirty flag IS a chargable offence and a new one will cost $ to buy.. So y bother?
And tats typical of Singaporeans' attitude.. And so I applaud those who have made an effort to hang our national flag.
And happy birthday Singapore.

From the left clockwise: DS, me, Charles, DT, DT laptop playing his mp3, 2 1.5l of green tea, 1 $75-40% alcohol-Johnney Walker, ice cube container, at DS' void deck.

Now as I'm blogging this entry, my stomach and intestines feel so nice and warm. I've juz came from a very nice and happening guys night-out where Dennis S, Dennis T, Charles, GF and me chilled out at Dennis S' void deck and enjoyed his $75 worth of Johnney Walker with green tea on the rocks. The mood was relaxing and it seemed to be a long time since we had this much fun. And GF even had his wish come true with a NDP zhu chao for dinner.
But it seemed like everyone from my class is either falling sick or falling over in shagness. To say the least, I think I myself is both falling sick and falling over in shagness. Yesterday I had a sore throat and was coughing abit early this morning. And en.. E most amusing thing happened this afternoon..
And you would never know that e x-ray room semi-inclined chair was so conducive to sleeping.. Damn.. Its so embarrassing ah haha.. Anywae I was Tien's lab parnter for the OD session this afternoon and en at 3pm, I told Tien tien I'll go to e x-ray room to collect the 2 PA x-rays which she had just taken. And when I reached there, I realised the 2nd x-ray was still being processed by e x-ray machine. So well.. I tot.. Why dun I take a little rest on the x-ray chair while waiting? And kaoz.. The chair felt as comfortable as my bed ah.. I closed my eyes, and wandered over e thin grey line btw e living and e dreaming; thou still donned in my clinical gown and gloves. A while later, I crossed e grey line into e living, but e humming of e x-ray machine still continued buzzing and I wondered, kaoz.. this is really taking damn long.. But.. Inwardly I'm so grateful for e buzzing sound coz I can rest abit longer man..
Twice more I drifted in and out, only to be greeted by e sweet humming sound.
Until Tien Tien opened e door of e x-ray room and said, "Yonghe!"
En I realised e time was 3.20pm, and I've been MIA for 20 min!! Oh my goodness.. The x-ray machine was still humming away thou, and she told me tatz becoz e film wasn't placed properly & so all this while it wasn't being fed and processed.
... ...
I felt so stupid ah..
And so farniee..
Must be becoz of e all e running ard on fri's all-nite-long, sat's rag day in e morning, GK's birthday celebration in e afternoon cum evening, sun's colgate DA/OHI shift in e morning and Festival of Praise in e evening where me and Siwen were still at Kallang indoor stadium at 11pm. And school starts as usual on monday at 8am.. Hiaks.. With a busy wkday schedule and a busy wkend to make sure I was entertained, I sure wasn't very well-rested.
Anywae I'm really grateful for e national day 2morrow, or who nues how many more clinical sessions I'll fell asleep in.. But en looking at e little guys' nite out we have had until 11.30pm, and an OD test on WEDNESDAY which I'll have to study 2morrow, I doubt there'll be much time for rejuvenating my soul, mind or spirit.. But nvm.. it is time to sleep..