The many chapters of 4eVeRRiVeR
Friday, December 31, 2004
Zhu Ge Liang is damn cocky ah.. In 2day's episode titled Zhu Ge Jie Jian, where he ordered 20 boats filled with straw men to row out to Cao cao's base in e middle of e fog to collect 10,000 arrows and after e collection, when e fog clears away, he ordered his men to shout, " xie cao chen xiang xian jian!" This is a famours story which is in sec chinese tx books as well if e tx bks still remain unchanged. And thou I've read abt it from novels and comics as well, to see it in real play is still damn exotic.. And when e men r shouting, u juz can't help but feel Zhu Ge Liang is a damn genius thou a little cocky.. Juz like me..
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Never knew tat starting of school can be so hectic.. Restorative preclinical, endodontics and removable partial denture projects.. Pple rushing ard and heaven forbides those who cannot finish e projects by e end of this term, which is only 9 wks. School begins at 8 everyday and it had ended at 6pm on mon, 6.30pm on tue and 7pm on wed.. Nice way of starting school.. I kinda like endo thou.. Pretty fun up to now..
And my twin just informed me something that made me smile.. My fav sec school physics teacher, Mr Wee Toon Huey, is getting married and he had invited us to his wedding dinner on 9th Jan.. He invited all e ex science and technology team members ah, after all he started our school's science and technology team and I was in e 2nd generation batch ah.. One good thing is ofcoz all e toys r in e newest condition, still wraped in plastic film or styrofoam when they came. E disadvantage is ofcoz e lack of experienced teachers, if there r any. The manuals of e new robotic kits r e teachers actually.. And it wasn't easy to configure e robotics with e it programme.. Remember all e good old days where we had e 'emergency' science camps a few days before e competition, spending days and nights musing over our half completed robots. Thou we didn't win e competition, I think, we all won friendships. And also e times we get together and mug in science, astronomy and en took cabs together to e various interschool quizs organised by e tertiary educational facilities.
Ah.. e good old days..
So delighted ah.. Wonder who shall be there at this impromtu gathering haha..
Monday, December 27, 2004

Kungfu huster 1: This' e very first time when I've kept long hair.. Taken juz b4 I went to submit to e barber.. And since my hair was abt this long 2 hr ago so sama sama ah..

And today's e 3rd time I've cut my gorious long hair, which was longer than kungfu master Stephen Chow.. Gonna miss pple pple calling me cool dude and more importantly~ e feel of wind in my hair.. Now this sounds like a shampoo ad but kaoz.. when u r facing e wind and ur long locks r swept behind and away.. e feeling is like.. kaoz.. More organic than organics.. ha.. Couple of reasons for cutting, juz like e other 2 earlier times I've done so. The very first time was when exams were coming, and I was haffing difficulty seeing e papers' questions. The 2nd time was when e government decided I should serve e nation and took away 6 days of my holidays. And for this 3rd time and probably e very last time, it could only mean tat e final exams r coming.. There's only 9 more wks of school only b4 e 2 wk study break and en its e finals! And there's lots of tests within this 9 wks too. En also we haff started pre-clinical, which is a course where we do everything in e clinics, familiarise with our working environment and pretending e oscar is a real patient. And after this course, e oscar is coming alive. So anyone who have dental problems pls contact me. Just come to dentistry fac and ask for yandao and my schoolmates will guide u to me.. And tatz e reason y today's e very last time I'm cutting hair this long.. I am forbidden to keep long cool hair to uphold e greater honour and professional image of dentistry..
Bye bye long hair..
And let us all be silent for 1 minute and giff a silent prayer shall we? Lets take a look at wat we shall be missing.. God bless..
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry X'mas to all!! Ah.. Thanx to Siwen I get to spent a nice christmas eve at her Word Community Church- but its not of e usual like and an eye opener for me for its e first chinese church I've been to.. And her church is damn young ah! Only 4 mths old only.. And so I was rather surprised when I walked in to e smallest church service I've been to, e rented room e size of a basketball court and together with e pastors, there's only abt 70 pple ah.. And so I was also rather amused that Siwen is in e cell grp of one of e 2 founders of e church- David, whom she said is a very inspiring, christ-passionate man whom u can look up to.. And ya.. he's quite charismatic ah.. He commented tat I'm e coolest dentistry dude ard.. Coz of e considerable length of hair ah.. Btw.. Do u nue tat e ancestors of dentists r barbers? Coz in e past where there r dinosaurs there r only barbers who provide services like extraction of teeth.. And so I gotta e trait of our ancestors by keeping e nicest, coolest, longest hairstyle.. Cool huh?
En I was thinking.. A few years down e road and e budding church should expand considerably and en e now 60? church members would become e future cell grp leaders.. Haha.. Can't imagine Siwen becoming a pastor and conducting her own service..
And becoz of e few no. of members, I bet each and every one had an important role to play in major celebrations like 2day's service cum christmas party.. Imagine Siwen becoming e lead actress or in e choir or performing magic tricks.. Haha..
The whole service as well as e songs sang to praise God r in chinese, ofcoz, so its pretty interesting.. U learn alot of translatory stuff like: pastor in chinese is mu shi ( not mu zhi), service is jiao hui, 'brothers and sisters' is di xiong jie mei and not xiong di jie mei, etc.. And super cheem ones like Luke is ? ? ? ?- a 4 syllabus chinese name.. And there r like so many other names in e bible.. Think Siwen's chinese will improve dramatically ah.. Gauranteed plus chop..
Met Siwen's sec school clique also and ya.. her clique is pretty happening.. Grace wanna go chiong and Stefanie's friend wanna go gambling.. Cool..
And kaoz.. Kanna bluffed by Siwen tat I need to wear formal and very nicely for e service.. (Not very happy coz its usually e other way round haha)
Her: Eh Yh.. Must wear very nice for e service hor..
Me: So is it smart casual or formal?
Her: Formal is better ah.. Can wear a short sleeve shirt lor..
But in e end I juz wear smart casual and guess wat? Her evil motive was to get us to be nominated for e best dressed visitor award.. Kaoz! Tricked her own clique too and even exaggerated to e extent of prom dresses haha.. Wa.. Siwen's skills r improving..!
After e service, we hitched a hike to choa chu kang where GF and PJ picked us up and carried us to Bukit Timah row of shophouses, where we met up with Bran and XL for supper.. Ate e teo chew porrige coz me, siwen and bran r sick.. AKA ILL.. Wa.. Never had such a good supper for a long time liaoz.. Warm atmosphere, lots of laughter and took lots of pictures.. Interrupted with lots of my coughing thou.. Thank God tat I haffn't lost my voice haha.. And I decided I really totally need a doctor liaoz, regardless of how useless they may sometimes be.. Oops..
Listening to Christmas is all around by Billy Mack, Love actually.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
And so I'm back in Singapore liaoz.. And thou lots of pple say malacca is boring, I beg to differ.. Its ultimately e company u r with.. And with yandao and smart pple like me, oversea trips can never be boring.. Haha.. Sadly thou I'm down with cough during e trip.. Been dry coughing for more than 3 wks ago and after all e rojak food from malacca, e cough had became worse.. Ofcoz.. I would expect no other outcome.. Icecream, cold drinks, fried food, machos, spicy thai food, etc.. Dun tell me to not eat em coz en a trip w/o eating all e junk/exotic food wouldn't be a.. Butta felt damn bad for infecting kl even b4 e trip had started, since we dawned over Qi's place e night b4..
The journey began early in e morning at 6.30am at golden mile tower and took abt 3/1/2 hr to reach our final destination. Equatorial hotel is a tall, gigantic building standing alone, flanked by tourist attractions such as e Dutch christ church and maritime museum, largest shopping centre Mahkota Parade and a whole row of restaurants, all within walking distance.. But there's one major flaw.. There's a major road just outside e hotel and e traffic is damn heavy and there's no traffic lights nor predestrain crossing in e realm of sight.. And so being e 1st day we were pretty ignorant and concerned with road safety and spent like 5min waiting for e traffic to subside, which it didn't and finally in e end we just chiong our way across.. Every trip across e road is an adventure, and with each adventure, we gotta more guts.. On e last day Tim challenged a van totally and stopped e traffic.. Best ah..
Went visiting e tourist attractions e first day and took loads of pictures.. The best is ofcoz a pict of me, myself and 3-feet-long inguana.. Cool man e giant lizard.. Its a slacker lizard thou coz it closes its eyes like 9/10th of e time.. Its RM $3 for 2 shots of me craddling e sweet, gentle baby.. E rest of e gang r not very convinced or interested..
Took a river tour also and e tour guide is goddamn crappy.. There were lots of monitor lizards along e banks of melaka river and he gave names to each and one.. Britney spears, Tom Hanks, etc.. There were like more than 30 of em and I dun think its possible to recognise e lizards even if u go up and down e river for 10 times a day so I believe he just gave em names on e spur of e moment.. There wasn't enuff architecture to tok abt ofr 45 min coz most of e settlement was squatters so he was also teaching us botanics~ e trees along e river banks. And also super crappy things like we should get XXX channel in Malaysia so that adults can have sports, documentaries, children can have cartoons, and u urself will be happy, ur wife will be happy, ur children will be happy and ur whole family will be very happy. Another one: Like staying in e longhouse coz itz long and narrow and u can run indoor even in wet weather and u will be healthy and happy, ur wife will be healthy and happy, ur children.. Yup u get e idea.. So it wasn't surprising KL and GK almost fell asleep on e boat.. I find it quite amusing thou.. At e end of e tour, he was saying, "on behalf of malaysian tourist minister YYY, finance minster ZZZ, sultan AAA, vice sultan BBB, vice vice sultan CCC, etc, etc, etc, we would like to thank you for visiting melaka. In Japan-alikatou, in chinese-xei xei ni, in thai- bah bah bah, in etc etc etc (for over 30 diff languages. Am quite impressed really)We would also like to wish u goodbye, in america- c u later dude, in japan-saunara, in etc etc etc, in California- avalavista baby, I'll be back by Arnold Schwaneger, Californian governor." Pretty entertaining ah..
Then we went to Afamosa chicken rice stall and had e chicken rice balls.. Find em abit plain and prefer e original chicken rice ah.. Went shopping at Mahkota Parade and ate e dunkin donuts also.. There's Giant there so after ta baoing some snacks and drinks we went back to e hotel and had great satisfaction beating e daylights out of Tim's palm during heart attack.. Haha.. En Tim came up with something else- play dai de and e forfeiter gotta go across e road to a 24hr shop to buy beer for more forfeiting.. Time was abt 2am.. So alot is at stack for all we lazy bums and by some conspiracy Gekkoon becomes our ultimate winner.. But e gals r scared he kanna raped along e way so in e end I gotta escort Gekkoon.. Hiaks.. Should haff lost in e first place en I can haff e luxury of choosing and dragging some poor soul with me ah.. And en its indian poker with 2 cans of tiger, 2 cans of heinenkein and 1 can of baron strong brew.. And Tim took revenge, pouring large amts of beer when I got e smallest card.. Evil man.. I drank like more than 2 cans outta e 5 cans.. Brain was swaying slightly at e end of our little-drinking-to-make-sleep-nicer-session..
And e sleep was nice coz we woke up only at 9.30am and e breakfast was already half gone by e time we went down.
The 2nd day we went to Afamosa- e biggest water themepark in Malaysia. It was a 1hr ride by car and since we gotta 5 pple, we gotta bride e cabbie from RM $40 to RM $55.. A reminiscent of e trip to Penang but this time only 4 pple squeezing behind, for a freaking 1 hr ride.
We spent e whole afternoon at Afamosa and me and GK completed all e slides, e scariest being e high speed, which is abt 8 storeys high? And coming all e way down in one's straight steep gradient lying on ur back.. Kaoz.. Felt abit like free falling.. E rest of e slides r of more gentler gradients and work to swirl u round and round and splash water on ur face at all various angles.. We spent most of e time lazing ard at e wave pool.. En in e evening we called e same cab and had dinner and shopping at Mahkota Parade.. And en went back to hotel and played a some more card games but e atmosphere wasn't there.. Perhaps everyone was tired..
Woke up earlier for 3rd day's breakfast and en went shopping for earth products (tu chan) at Tan Kim Hock Produces.. En went walking ard and having lunch at Mahkota Parade again b4 checking out and returning for home..
And only juz now I realised there's only 4 more days b4 school reopens.. Kaoz.. Still haffn't had enuff fun leh..
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Damn nice weather for windsurfing today ah.. Moderate strong winds which I can manage and together with 5m sail and protegy board.. cool! I guess u must really learn to tame e wind and not e other way round.. Die die keep holding on to e boom and mast and slowly u will learn to tame stronger and stronger wind..
Tat'z something I learnt today..
Monday, December 13, 2004
I realised I haffn't been updating my blog for ages in e hols.. Guess theres more life interaction with pple during school en during hols which I spent most of e time playing games at home.. Abit pathetic.. Nvm.. think on e bright side that I'll been saving $.. Earning $ even if u minus e amt of $ tat I would be spending if I go lan shop to play now tat I got e original game.. But en guess all e $ I save or 'earn' will be going to e $154 3D2N trip to malacca on 20th-22th.. Kaoz.. Itz damn ex ah.. That time my dentistry classmates and I went penang, think its abt $180? for 5D4N.. Further and funner than malacca ah.. En again.. we got this at pretty much last minute and its e peak season.. hiaks..
Watched e later part of red star awards juz now.. Realise to my horror zoe tay ain't in e top 10 most popular artists.. I also realise that something interesting.. Something that doesn't change.. Something deemed as most childish ~ pairing up 'rumoured' couples together.. This behaviour of ur peers begin as early as far back as I can remember ah.. As early as Primary/ kindergarden school? When kids 'whoaed' and 'orred' when a male teacher come knocking on e classroom with a young female teacher or when u grew older, ur mates started teasing u if they found out who u like, or who they thought u like or whoever they felt it will be most interesting to watch to pair up e gal with.. Guess this has become a social norm, an inborn characteristic..
And today during e red star awards, this norm is so bloody obvious screaming out for attention..
And pls.. If u haff watched it and still haff no idea who'z e famed couple, u can go jump off from ur flat now.. For those who didn't watch, this is wat happened.. First, when Lee Ming Shun got his top 10 most popular guy artist award, and while he was walking past Fann, their 'friends' pushed him towards her.. He almost totally collapsed over her ah.. Then on stage, his fans or Fann's fans bid him to thank Fann also.. And en on Fann's turn to go up e stage, her friends sitting on her right blocked her exit so she would have to walk e opposite way past Lee when e right path proved a shorter route to take.. And on stage, Chen Liping went up to e mike behind Fann wanting to add in her share and smart but traumatised Fann destroyed e mike with a yank of e black round covering on e mike's.. ball? Power! And lastly pls dun forget Mark Lee's performance of him transfering Fann's kiss from e audience to Lee on stage.. Best..
And they are like 30s, 40s? Guess we r never too old for these children in our heart..
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Went to watch Shuttles 2day and apparently I think its quite good ah.. It still have e usual shock tactics like most ghost movies with e ghost suddenly appearing right next to u, with her long black hair with pale complexion and staring eyes, crawling towards u or coming out of e tv/ basin in this case. But if they still works, y not? As least I'm still not totally immune to em thou u r very much more prepared for em..
And en there's one super duper farniee encounter too!! And I love tat e most ah haha.. For those who r intending to watch e show pls do not read further coz I'm going to spill e beans.. Towards e later part of e show, the lead guy was travelling on a long journey to uncover e mystery and u nue how scary movies love empty ulu toilets. And so he entered into e 2nd last cubicle and started shitting. Half way thru, he heard e main toilet door open and close, and en a shadow went past his cubicle to e last cubicle.. He decided to think nothing of it and when he was finally done with his business, he realised he had run out of paper..
He gave 2 knocks on the cubicle wall and said, "excuse me, I've run out of toilet paper. Do u have some?"
There was no answer but en something came protuding out beneath e cubicle wall..
It was a hand holding a roll of toilet paper..
It was a female hand.. With long red fingernails..
Atleast he's smart enuff to stop bothering abt his unclean ass and pull up his pants and fantically rushed outside..
But he's toopid enuff coz he decided to challenge e female ghost..
And he poised himself outside e last cubicle and gave it his strongest kick in his whole life.
And wa lah!! There sitting on e toilet bowl was a he/she- a transverstite... And she quickly covered her privates and said, "excuse me, can u wait for me to poo finish?"
Muhahaha!!! I laff until xiao! Damn damn farniee!!!
For tat I think all must go watch it eh.. Definitely worth it!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
And yes.. e much awaited windsurfing session is 2morrow! Finally can get my muscles to flex abit after e 1 mth plus of sitting on a chair mugging or playing dota.. And if tat ain't enuff, there's blading session with my Tecksoon, bengwee, pc lee and ivan in e afternoon. And to round off e day, its another meeting session with Ody- or Odie, and frankly speaking.. I think I'll be more interested in him than Sylvester or Tafik.. Haha.. And I wanna see e pup and its encounters with roaches!! Ah.. Bran must demo k.. Interesting day 2morrow..