The many chapters of 4eVeRRiVeR
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Ha.. Saw a couple of weird stuff @ e busstop while I was waiting for my bus to go NUS.. First it was this 'girl'. She was wearing e jap sailor moon attire.. Long, knee-length, slack socks with cute shoes and short, checkered red skirt. Then a mickey mouse black shirt and a blue beaded bracelet on her hand. Her brown hair was plaited into 2 ponys. From e back she look like one super funky young punk abt 16/17 yr ah.. But en when she turned her head ard I almost puked ah..! Kaoz! She was at least 40 yr old ah.. I must mention here tat I'm not exagerrating @ all.. So either she's abit sort up there or she's suffering from middle-age crisis. But tat'z not all. She was wearing some kind of lacy tights ( Wanyi's term ) which could be seen from behind, coz her skirt was too short and e watever stuff was too long. And when she board e bus basically everyone can see ah.. Think tat goes e appetite for lunch.
Meanwhile I was still waiting for my bus, thankful e lady was gone.. Then a little old man came along riding down e rd in a little bicycle fitted with 2 baskets infront and behind filled with groceries. But it was such a puny bike so he was abit oversized ah.. Then because e wheels r smaller and e bike had less power, he was fantically pedalling non-stop all e way. It was a comical sight but I felt abit sorry for e old man ah.. Coz maybe he could not afford a bigger bike ah.. Hmm.. Yupz.. Shall end here.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Another moment of slacking.. Tot I'll pen something out of boredom.. Last nite e smokers clique was gambling away again (with my poker cards)and those with gfs were whispering away into thier hps..
Anywae yesterday we had our range with SAR 21.. Nice x1.5 scope. Thing is our dear hai ren Ivan who was supposed to be in lane 10 decided e target in lane 9 was chioer and so lived up to his hai ren-ing trademark. And I'm lane 9 ah.. So when my target went down although I didn't shoot any rounds, I look at my assistant and look at Ivan. But he was too engrossed and finished his magazine of 4 rounds. After he finished, I engaged my target with my own 4 rounds, bringing a grand total of 8.. So I got e highest score of 16 instead of e maximum 12 rnds one could get.. Once a marksman, always a marksman ha..
I always liked range.. Coz u dun really haff to move ard much.. Juz stand comfortably in e foxhole or prone down in my natural horizontal position~ who can ask for more.. Then u juz look and smile at e target and squeez trigger.. Nothng xiong abt it.. Juz nue how to romance ur rifle and relax and e target will goes down.
And on e opp. end of e spectrum it'll be SOC (standard obstacle course)~ which frowns on small guys like me. SBO with 1 full water bottle, helmet and rifle( gd luck to e new batches running with e heaviler SAR 21). They r like 1/2 of my weight liaoz.. Kaoz! Anywae damn happy won't haff to do soc in reservist.. Remembered I was singing this phrase when I passed SOC e 2nd and last yr after much sweating and bleeding.. Totally exhilarated I was en.. 'No more SOC, for e rest of ur life..!'
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
2 days into army.. Now at e internet corner in camp.. Low key is pretty low key ah.. Most of e time resting in bunk and sharing stories among ourselves. Primary objective is to familiarise e relatively new weapon SAR 21. Secondary objectives r to revise e signalling stuff and mount radio sets.
Had IPPT this afternoon and I overexerted myself at e 2.4km run.. Hiaks.. Nue this will happen even before e run began.. Hiaks.. Miss e silver timing by 10sec.. super xianz diao.. Will train up more in e following days to come..
Great to meet up with e platoon ah.. Some of their stories r really interesting ah.. One of e guy faked he 4got to bring his sbo and helmet and so got permission to stay out on e first nite.. The actual situation is he's meeting his gf for erm.. hee..
Then half e platoon r smokers and everytime they'll be found at e smoking corner more than anywhere else.. Played poker with $ and even e bso came in and said nothing.. NSmen r Gods! Ha.. But basic rules and regulations must be followed ah.. Cut my hair on sunday until quite short.. Can't believe I actually asked e hairdresser to do so..
Wo yi jian duan wo de fa,
jian duan le qian gua,
zhuo hua zhun bei jing NS..
Nvm.. hair will grow.. I guess I'll haff to be patient..
Friday, June 18, 2004
Yeah! I'm back in business!! Back from 4 days of fun from PA youth camp.. And then my pc got some idoit probs AGAIN.. Msn, icq and webpage-loading was damn slow ah.. And then e websites also cannot visit saying e server is down ah.. So I'm at student lounge now making an entry..
Anywae e girls in our PA camp grp got an eye feast of a time ah.. The hunks of all hunks n e yandaos of all yandaos (tat'll be me) were all in this grp's councillors. E freshie guys however were abit disappointed I guess.. Suffice to say there weren't many gals and even lesser chio ones.. Nonetheless we had a great time ah.. A lot of gay scenes when we were playing e kinky games.. Again e gals were laffing like hell..
Yupz.. shan't elaborate further coz gotta do foc stuff liaoz..
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Henry: Ah.. I'm no hardcore gamer ah.. atleast not now ha.. Maybe a hc dental student by day and hc naruto anime-watcher by nite? Haha.. Wa.. its damn damn interesting ah.. Go d/l or borrow from Ah Teck.. Its betta than LH ah..
Anywae e naruto fever is catching up on our dental class.. Ah.. Long queue for Bran's cds lor..
For those who haffn't heard, Naruto is jap comic/ anime abt this rookie ninja named Naruto. Tired of being cast aside as an outcast, he grew up with a passion for wanting surrounding pple's recognition.. He decided it would be thru being a strong ninja tat he'll achieve this and so e storyline proceeds. He's pesky, loud, irritating and annoying little brat but tat's wat juz made him so likable haha..
But e thing abt Naruto is it dun't evolve ard him alone. It was abt comradity, and other characters who were described in great great great details. Each of them had their unique personality and had this uncanny resemblance to real-life pple.. His team mates share almost e same standing as Naruto~ Sasuke-kun ( a super cool guy whose greatest skill is charming girls and whom Naruto always wanted to challenge and defeat in any type of competition) and Sakura-Chan ( Naruto's crush but she crushes on Sasuke-kun) Interesting eh? Then there's their sinsei, Kakashi, and numerous other fellow village ninjas and tons of enemies.
And there's all e life values incorporated into e anime as well. And human nature is evident from e characters..
Naruto is juz so much more than juz a cartoon abt ninjas killing ninjas..
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Went ECP this afternoon to jalan and cycle. Noticed a couple of interesting things while I was there..
I nue ECP will be damn crowded on wkends but I neva imagined it to be this crowded..
The short, yellow tower known for couples to make out there at night was flooded with dirty water. And it had words 'Amber beach' on e wall facing e sea which I only noticed 2day when we were crapping at a nearby jetty.
You can now rent a mountain bike for $4 for 2 hours.
There's this overfriendly malay boy abt 12 years old riding his bike with one hand and making a lot of noise. As I overtake him he noticed I was looking at him..
Him: Hi.. Watz ur name?
Me: Handsome ah..
And rode off.
Then there's this full-grown man cycling a puny 4-wheels bike( 2 wheels attached to e hind wheel).. Joker ah he..
Wa.. Teck Soon was right.. Naruto anime is damn damn damn damn exciting.. Once u started, u juz can't stop! Watched 15 episodes nonstop from 6pm up till 1am.. And Sakura-Chan is damn damn farniee when her inner self pops up and shows her inner beasty, barbaric emotions.. Muhahaha.. Kudos to Bran for lending me his comic books collection as well as his d/led anime..
And yess.. TS: U r rite again.. its easy to pick up simple jap from the anime..
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Again e com hang juz now, which only invited more blows on e cpu until windows xp roar back to life.
Went watch Hairy Potter juz now.. Its a nice show of coz, but quite predictable thou.. And I didn't read e book more. Shan't spoil e movie by revealing too much here. And its back to burring more teeth 2morrow, or rather later.. Plus e results of our 1st proficiency test will be out! How exciting is tat!
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
U wun't believe wat I juz did to be able to make this entry rite here, rite now.. For those who haffn't heard, my pc broke down again. First my modem was spoilt. Then after my bro fix it, I reinstalled e hardware and registered e dial-up broadband. Then when I tot everything was nice and well, e pc started hanging on me.. Everytime I start windows xp, e idoit com will hang.. Argh! Lousy, old, toopid old com..
Anywae, juz now out of exasperation and desperately seeking for a miracle I switched on my com again. No luck. And out of sheer exasperation I hit e cpu with my fist.. And guess wat? The com amazingly gave in under my mighty blow and sounded e familar 'dum-deng'.. I'm a genius! Thou I couldn't believe it myself.. Morale of e story: sometimes e most traditional way may juz might work.. So GF: maybe horse canine soup can really cure toothache.
And in response to Xueli's blog, which is abt Brad Pitt, here's some interesting news abt him. For those who haff been catching e news and radio, he's forty plus and wrinkles r showing. His wife, Jennifer Anniston is rumoured to haff fertility problems. But its a fact that to keep their marriage alive or to have an interesting bedtime moment or some other reason which I couldn't fathom, they allowed each each to 'swing'~ which means having sexual intercourse with other pple. Wao.. Western culture is ever so interesting..